BOE Priorities?

If I'm not mistaken, many of you who have children in Loudon County schools, particularly middle and grammar schools, are being asked to participate in fund raisers in your schools for various schools supplies, lap tops, Ipads, technology and such. Competitive incentives are even being offered in some instances, like whoever brings in the most money could be the school prince and princess. This is so wrong on so many levels but we'll address that later.

So while some schools have their students out begging for bucks, the Loudon County Board Of Education seems to have their own priorities. At their last meeting, the board voted to spend $400,000.00, from their fund balance, for what they seem to think are the "important" things in education.  

Here is the list of the projects requested by the BOE:

Fort Loudon Middle School Soccer & Softball lights:  $180,000

Greenback Baseball infield and water supply (irrigation): $35,000

Philadelphia Baseball water supply (irrigation) and fence: $10,000

Highland Park & Steekee bleachers: $15,000

North Middle School Soccer & Track Bleachers:  $50,000

North Middle School Track resurfacing: $7,500

North Middle School Track Access Road: $20,000

North Middle School Basketball Goals: $10,000

Loudon High (under stadium) Storage & Demo: $30,000

Greenback Light Safety issue & study: $42,500

For a grand total of $400,000.

I do understand that athletics are important to some but the idea of spending $400,000 on mostly middle school athletics, while on the other hand Kindergartners to fourth graders are out begging money for academic needs is pretty sad.

Somebody mentioned that it may be time to change the the name from the Loudon County Board Of Education to the Loudon County Board Of Athletics.

Something's way off here.
