Are You Kidding?

I don't do Facebook but my wife does and from time to time, I'll get on there and just scroll through just to see what there is to see. I came across a dandy the other day.

Lenoir City councilwoman, Jennifer Wampler, who is running for re-election, unopposed, had posted an appeal for everyone to vote for the half cent sales tax hike, of course for the little children.

Quickly the conversation went to the Rain Tax. See below.

I read that, then thought I really didn't just read what I think I just read? But I did. According to Ms. Wampler, the Rain Tax goes to the EPA. That's not even close to true. Does she really believe that the city is sending the EPA a half million dollars per year? 100% of the Rain Tax collections goes directly into the city's general fund, in a round about way. Certainly, the EPA does not get that money.

Then just a little further down the post, still trying to justify the sales tax increase, Ms. Wampler states that county sales tax rate is 9.5% and the city current sales tax rate is 9%. This is wrong also. The total sales tax rate in the county and city is 9%, 7% state and 2% local.

I don't mean this to sound mean or anything but this is one of the city councilpersons who voted for the Rain Tax and the sales tax increase and is promoting both yet apparently does not understand how either one even works.

If Ms. Wampler, as a council person, really doesn't really understand how these taxes work yet supports them any way, that's disturbing. If Ms. Wampler , as a council person, does actually understand how these taxes do work but is purposely putting out false information, that's even worse.

Either way, it's not good.
