Is Aikens Shaken?

With the November city election looming, looks like Lenoir City mayor, Tony Aikens, is pulling out all the stops to pave his and the council's way to re-election.

Aikens and his council have been on an endless years long tare of raising taxes and building apartments and homes on every inch of city land they can. Now all of a sudden, they've seen the light and got religion?  At the last city council meeting, the council not only voted to place a moratorium an any more apartments or multi-family units. Apparently, they've all suddenly seen the light that they might be letting too much development happen in the city.

According to councilman Eddie Simpson, he's the one who came up with the moratorium idea. He said he had a "brain storm" that gave him the idea. Not sure if that brain storm was about the good of the city or to help him and the others get re-elected. I think we all know. Simpson has been the most vocal supporter of mass development saying the city needs more and more roof tops. Now the brain storm has hit him? I wish it had hit him three years ago. Councilman Todd Kennedy has been calling for a halt on high density development for a year now. Wonder if that helped with Simpson's brain storm?

The two things Aikens and most of the council love the most, raising taxes and mass development, they seem to be putting on hold, at least until after the election.
