Aikens Buckles 2

At the last Lenoir City council meeting, council voted unanimously to pass a 12 month moratorium and any approvals of apartments and multi family units. Aikens wanted to make it clear, this moratorium does not effect the more than 2,000 apartments and multi family units the city has already approved. That seemed to be important to him.

The only other comment made was by councilman, Mike Henline. Henline, who made the motion to approve stated:

"I think this is a good thing. We've experienced so much growth in our community, we just need to stop and pump our breaks a little bit and get caught up. I think this is a great thing to do." Council member, Jennifer Wampler, seconded the motion.

Just a few short weeks ago, Henline and Aikens both were stating, pertaining to residential development in the city, if the city doesn't grow, it will die. Now all of sudden, the city needs to pump it's breaks? What's different now than a few weeks ago? The November election is getting closer.

Nothing will ever change in Lenoir City until something changes in Lenoir City.

