911 Funding Cut 10

For going on two years now, Lenoir City mayor, Tony Aikens, has refused to pay the city's contribution to to the Emergency 911 Communications. According to Aikens, he's refusing to pay the bill because of a lawsuit I filed against the city for the city's two illegal annexations. Of course, that's ridiculous, I haven't sued the city for anything.

Even though Aikens cut the 911 funding on his own with no council discussion or input, it's surprising that not a single council member has ever asked, in a public meeting, why Aikens is refusing to pay the city's bills. He has no authority, on his own, to refuse to pay the city's bills. 

It's unfortunate that Aikens, who claims to support law enforcement, refuses to pay for the service that's so important to the safety of the Lenoir City police officers.

Below is the most recent letter to the council and mayor from 911.
