3 Million Dollar Lie

Apparently, soon to be gone but not soon enough, outgoing commissioner, Julia Hurley, is telling anybody that will still listen to her that the county offered Cook Brothers Construction three million dollars to settle the lawsuit brought by Cook after the county didn't give him his rezone request.

Let me be as clear as possible, this is a total lie fabricated by Julia Hurley. Her motives only known by her. I think we've all come to understand that the truth is absolutely not in her.

Not only has the county made no settlement offers, we fully intend to win the suit when it goes to court.

If you've followed News Herald reporter, Hugh Willett's reporting on the lawsuit, the unmistakable theme that emerges is, those commissioners who opposed the rezone were acting to represent the people in that community. Isn't that what commissioners are suppose to do?

When commissioners stop supporting the citizens they represent, they should be kicked out of office. Ahh, maybe that explains why Hurley was beaten so badly in the May election.
