What's In Your Water?

If you think you are looking into a deep, dark cave or down a well, you would be wrong. This is the inside of a water line extracted on 3rd Ave. in Lenoir City.

While the subcontractors were installing the new water line to the mayor's fire hydrant, it was necessary to remove about a 10' section of the old water line on 3rd Ave. in order to install a new "T" joint. This allowed for a unique look into the old water line, and it wasn't pretty. The inside of the pipe was was heavily corroded and encrusted to the point of severely restricting the flow of water through the line. This is one of the reasons many of the fire hydrants in and around the city fail to meet code and just installing a new fire plug doesn't solve this problem.

But what of the health risks? I have no idea what may be lurking within the things growing inside our water lines. The Environmental Working Group reports, it's not very good. According to EWG our water has a lot of nasty stuff floating around in it. The water entering our homes through this pipe and others like it, could not be healthy.

Pipes Removed On 3rd Ave.

Interior Of Pipe

Interior Of Pipe

Interior Of Pipe

Interior Of Pipe

Interior Of Pipe

Interior Of Pipe

New Pipe

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