We Really Do Care

Monday's decision to close the Greenback school was no easy decision for myself and I'm sure other board members. We know that our decision will cause a hardship for hundreds of families for possibly days. But when it comes to the safety of our students it's really a no brainer. I feel we took the only action we have been left with. My hope is that the needed repairs will be done as quickly as possible.

I hope our decision sends a strong message to those parents and students in Greenback that we really do care about their safety and we are going to do everything in our power to provide that safety.

I also hope our decision sends a strong message to our county commission. The school board has done all we can to secure a new school for Greenback. It's now up to them. We need four more commissioners to join with commissioners Bob Franke and Austin Shaver to step to the plate and do the right thing to provide the needed funding for the proposed building plan that includes a new school for Greenback.
