Record Early Vote

Following the trend across the state and nation, Loudon County set a new record for early voting for a presidential primary election. At the end of the early vote period, 4631 Loudon Countians had cast their votes. In comparison, in the 2004 presidential primary a total vote of only 2586 and the 2000 presidential primary toped at 3828. The trend in past elections has been about 50/50. Half voting early and about the same number voting the day of the election. A total of 320,929 voted early in Tennessee.

Even with record turn out, only about 15% of Loudon County registered voters have voted.

Loudon County voted about two to one republican

1st District  D-268   R-527 = 795
2nd District D-264   R-352 = 616
3rd District D-71      R-130 = 201
4th District D-58      R-148 = 206
5th District D-315    R-487 = 802
6th District D-177     R-291 = 468
7th District D-359    R-1173 = 1532

Election day if February 5th. Polls open 8:00 am - 8:00 pm.

