The Tolerant Left
For years now, we've been told
by the liberal left and the main stream media how terrible we
conservatives are. How we are mean spirited, intolerant, hateful and
just all around bad people.
Below are a bunch of emails and a few voicemails I have received from all over the world that might just show the liberals, you know the peace, love and happiness crowd, might have a stronger claim to hatred than anybody. Ever wondered what happens if you take a stand on a position the liberals don't agree with? The hypocrisy is striking. I doubt anybody would want to read or listen to all of these but it doesn't take long to get the gist. Apparently, the far left Huffington Post picked up the story and some blogger suggested their readers contact me. You all are going to love some of these. Warning, there is some explicit language in these emails. They get worse as you go down the list. I've tried to clean them up as much as possible but the voicemails are unedited.
GAY is OK As much as you can change the color of your skin, A person cannot change their sexual orientation. I think you need to ask yourself, "Why am I so obsessed with Queer sex?" Your posting and call for firings This is for Van, Pity Dear Van Yearbook Wow! You are one evil son of a bitch. I hope one of these high school kids tracks you down and messes up your house, your car and hopefully your face. If that does not happen, God will show you what a rotten person you are as he casts you in to hell one day.
By the way, your teeth are yellow.
"It's not OK"
I have read Van Shaver's attack on the teacher that allowed the "It's OK to be gay" article to be published in the Lenoir City High School year book. I have to say that living in the United Kingdom, as I do, I am surprised to see an individual holding public office in what the world regards as the bastion of democracy, making such a forthright attack on freedom of speech and thought. One would hope that if a High School was doing its job properly, it would be encouraging its students to debate, analyse and look at controversial issues from many angles. Schools should be preparing students to meet the real world head on and surely part of that must be to to listen to what others have to say, however much they might disagree with them initially.
From what I read at this distance, Mr.
Yoakley is doing his job well and should be regarded as a credit to
the school and a contributor to the maintenance of the USA's
traditional standards of freedom of speech and thought. Van Shavers
attack is ill considered, unwarranted and an attack on good
Malcolm Willis,
Unitied Kingdom Gay Article I think its okay to be gay. I think its not okay to say what you
You do not know me, but I want you to know that your reaction to
your students' year book article is sickening. It is homophobic,
bullying men like yourself that puts your entire country to shame.
As a proud Canadian, living in a multiethnic, multicultural society,
I feel truly sorry for my American brethren who are forced to hide
their true selves or face ridicule because of people like yourself.
I think you are the worst kind of human being. As a leader in your
community you should be encouraging love and camaraderie; your
students look to your actions in shaping their beliefs. You are
fostering hatred. You are teaching close-mindedness. You are
raising a new generation of bigots.
You state that, "What I am intolerant of is an adult, a teacher no
less, inflicting their personal beliefs and sexual orientation
decisions on impressionable students". In fact, it is YOU who is
preaching intolerance and forcing your personal religious beliefs on
those same impressionable students.
I urge you to retract your statements, and apologize to your
students and community.
Josh Koczerginski Hello, It's ok to be gay Mr. Shaver,
I'm sure you're being flooded with emails regarding your recent blog
post on the High School Yearbook article "it's ok to be gay". I'd
like to let you know that your position is extremely hurtful to the
LGBT community and your vocal opposition to such an article will
likely lead to teens feeling even more uncomfortable being gay, and
may even contribute to more teens taking their own life. I am a
Biblical Scholar and a Christian Holding a Masters from one of the
best seminaries in the country and I will tell you that even if you
believe the Bible speaks strongly against homosexuality there is
still a command that supersedes all those rules and that's to love
and care for people who are hurting.
Please consider revising your position and trying to make life for
LGBT teens enrolled in your district less stressful and hate filled.
We all know high school is rough for everyone, now imagine enduring
it while a member of your school board is talking about prosecuting
a person you confide in for even talking to you.
Thanks for your time.
Van Shaver, You have no place in education. You have no place working with young people. Please remove yourself from any position of authority which you may occupy and sell buttons to tourists or something.
Really, Mr. Shaver? After reading your blog entry about the
yearbook article, I first thought of calling you a pile of shit, but
then realized that even shit has a purpose in this life. YOU, SIR,
HAVE NO PURPOSE IN LIFE, meaning you're worth even less than a pile
of shit.
The only thing I thank you for is being stupid enough to give people
like me a way to contact you. Why don't you create a real blog
where your readers can post public comments to your entries?
-Disgusted in Utah
It's not OK
Mr. Shiver. Hi It's OK to be Gay " If an individual wants to be a homosexual, that's their own decision and they will have to live with the consequences of that decision."
How's the weather back there
in 1950?
Toxic language like this is
what's wrong with the country.. you are embarrassing us in front of
the whole world.
PEOPLE Sad How sad it is that you are a Board Member of anything. Instead
of support and standing by our children, you are more concerned
about spewing your vitriolic hate. great quote "If an individual wants to be a homosexual, that's their own decision and they will have to live with the consequences of that decision."
i can only assume you must not have any acquaintances that are
gay and constantly struggling with their identity and where they
fit in this world. homosexuality is not a choice, bigotry is.
Love for all mankind
It's Not Ok Dear Mr. Van Shaver & Loudon County School Board/Staff,
I wanted to take the opportunity to discuss Mr. Shaver's recent blog
It's Not Ok. I read in the Huffington Post about the
situation regarding Lenoir City High School and the yearbook section
titled It's OK to be Gay and the apparent offense that Mr.
Shaver has taken.
Mr. Shaver is certainly entitled to his opinion regarding
homosexuality, but the way he asserts that homosexuality is a choice
worries me tremendously. It certainly is OK to be gay.
As stated on his blog:
"Some might think I'm intolerant toward homosexuals but that would
be wrong. If an individual wants to be a homosexual, that's their
own decision and they will have to live with the consequences of
that decision. What I am intolerant of is an adult, a teacher no
less, inflicting their personal beliefs and sexual orientation
decisions on impressionable students."
The very fact that he has to justify that he is not "intolerant"
towards homosexuals in itself shows that he is very uncomfortable
talking about the subject at the very least, even if he is not
openly hostile about it. What bothers me the most is the assertion
he makes that individuals "choose" to be homosexual. I would hope
that a person in position of power/influence over the youth would at
the very least, educate himself before using outdated rhetoric that
has been proven, time and time again, to be incorrect.
There is no "choice" in being gay. There is merely the choice to be
open about your sexuality or deny that part of yourself in order to
please others. I applaud this young man for being open and honest
about his sexuality at such a young age in spite of being in a
Southern state where it is dangerous for you to be openly gay. This
young man made the choice to be honest with himself and those around
Again, Mr. Shaver is entitled to his opinion regarding
homosexuality. I, personally, believe God is loving and accepting of
all. It is not our place to judge others, simply to live our lives
to the best of our ability and leave our mark upon the world. I
worry, that as an educator, he is leaving a negative mark on the
youth of your school district.
Now, I admit, that I do not know this teacher or what he's done in
the past beyond what has been reported. But I fully intend to
educate myself by doing my due diligence and researching what has
been stated and made public in the past. I do have to ask this
question though: Isn't he, as an adult, inflicting his own personal
beliefs regarding sexual orientation decisions on impressionable
students? By coming out this strongly against the "freedom of
speech" element in journalism, isn't he stating to the
impressionable youth that It's Not Ok? I think his blog title says
it all.
Mr. Shaver, before you claim to be tolerant of homosexuals; I
suggest you take a step back and reexamine your motives for doing
this. Are you really doing what's best for the children? Or are you
attempting to push your own beliefs onto them?
The South is often ridiculed by the remainder of America for the
mere fact that we cling to our past instead of stepping into the
future. I'm tired of the South-my home-being behind the times. I
hope something that I've said today will resonate with some of you,
if not...I've done what I can as a Gay Southern Man to make my
opinion known.
Thank you for your time,
Charles Gardner
Mobile, Alabama
People like you are a dying breed As easy as it must be to be anti-gay in your terrible small
community, F**k you F**k you f**king piece of shit, i hope you get hit by a car, shot or stabbed.. You are a worthless christian a minority in this world and one quickly fading.
I hope you are raped and killed, it is the only reward your "god"
owes to you ya F**king c**t nugget
your marvelous website is a piece of shit. it looks like it was made in 1986. also your
theory regarding homosexuality as a "choice" is hilarious. you are
probably some huge hidden little faggot, hiding behind your bigotry and
shitty culture. i am very glad i don't live in your state. Choice Mr. Shaver, You are a terrible person You should be deeply ashamed. If there is a hell, you will be
spending plenty of time there for your entirely un-Christ like attitude
towards acceptance for Gay students. As a member of the Board of
Education it is your job to PROTECT your students, both straight and
gay. Instead, you are using your position to indirectly attack and
bully a High School student because he's different from you. I want you
to seriously think of how your all loving and forgiving Jesus would look
at you, because it would be with disappointment. I'm sure if there was
a Jesus he wouldn't like you using his message of acceptance and all
encompassing love for all mankind as an excuse for your idiotic bigotry
and personal hatred. Is it OK?
You said, "I know many other parents and members of our community
expect a full and open investigation by school administrators and
law enforcement into this issue and to hold accountable any and all
those who had a hand in this despicable act."
What is dispicable is the fact that you are IGNORING the fact that
children are killing themselves every day in this country because
they feel they have no one to turn to in regards to understanding
their sexuality. Because they truly believe "it is not ok." And you
know what? By your actions, you are contributing to their deaths.
You have contributed to the deaths of so many young people whose
faces you and I will never see. They will see your words and it will
confirm to them what they have heard from their peers, their family,
and their churches: I am not OK. And when that 14 year old kills
himself - his blood will be on your hands.
You are pathetic.
YOU are not OK.
Jonathan Bedell
School board Dear Mr. Shaver, Hello Mr. Shaver Salutations Mr. Shaver,
My name is Corey Allgood, a 26-year old male, who has a very strong
faith in God. I recently came across a news article mentioning your
position in a very controversial matter involving one of the schools
you oversee, one Lenoir City High School. To be completely blunt
with you, I found everything that I was reading to be absolutely
distasteful, and not at the fault of the writer.
What I read through this article was about a very strong religious
influence over your staff and students, and a very homophobic view
of the same groups. I began to feel uneasy about halfway through the
article, and towards the end, the only way I could describe the
emotion I felt was illness. I read your attacks on your students and
administration, and came to realize that you hold all beliefs other
than your own with such a disregard that you would go so far as to
attempt to violate civil rights and liberties.
I want to spell something out to you, sir. You are attempting to get
a person not only fired, but imprisoned, for their belief that all
humanity is created equal. In fact, I would assume, in your own
history classes, equality is being taught to students. If this is
not the case, then I would say that I am more than appalled. What
you are attempting to do is harassment. You are sexually harassing
the student who was brave enough to stand up and say, "I'm different
than you, and I'm proud."
Now, reading through your website, it's no secret that you are a
very firm right-wing and religious God-fearing Christian. That's
absolutely fine and I make no attempt to change you. You're not
broken, so why would I want to fix you? Keeping with that, there's
an old saying that says, "Hate the sin, not the sinner." I hate your
sin that you are committing. You are preaching that segregation and
prejudice are absolutely okay.
Between you and I, God did say in his teachings that you should love
thine enemy. "Judge not, lest ye be judged yourself." You are doing
the job of making everyone who believes in God look like an insane
old cook, and let's face it, there are enough people out there doing
that job for us already. Please don't fall in to their ranks.
I'm asking you, as one decent man to another to please end this
pointless crusade. Please, I beg you, show the world that Christians
can be great, loving people. Thank you for taking the time to read
Good day to you, sir.
Your Opinions My but you really are Self-Rightious aren't you ? dont like the
e-mails you've been getting? Why, they must come from children who don't
know any better! Obama ate dog ? No! He ate HIS dog! You twist facts and
invent connections where none exist in order to justify your point of
view. Please just Man up and state that you don't like certain things
simply because you don't like them. Stop trying to hide behind
justifications, there are no justifications for what you think. You just
think it( or better yet let's just say you just feel it, for it is
extreemly apparent that what you state as your beliefs are not well
thought out ) and you dear sir will have to live with the consequences
of holding tightly/blindly to these unjustifiable and hurtful
Opinions/Beliefs. Van Shaver's Intolerance Dear Board, Being a judgemental Bigot is unchristian dontchaknow Just wanting to clarify for you if you can take a momentary break
from your selfrighteous stupor that your intolerance of homosexuals is
now being seen all over the continent and the influx of traffic to your
'blog' is due to your being a homophobe. You must be so proud. Don't try
to implicate a teacher for allowing different viewpoints and life
experiences to be shared with others as a criminal act, hypocrite. You
should be ashamed of yourself and maybe find something in life to occupy
yourself with so you can stop intruding needlessly in others lives where
you don't belong. I feel sorry for you for the backlash of hatred and
disgust you will be subjected to but you can always remember that you
did it to yourself with your hateful opinion spewing and rash
inappropriate judgement. Unbelievable the behaviour so-called 'christians'
think they can get away with. Jesus would be ashamed of you and your
intolerance and judgement passing to be sure. In regards to your opinions on homosexuality. Hello,
It is truly a shame to see someone in your position speaking out
against the civil rights of students regardless of their orientation
and those who support them. Whatever your twisted views on society
may be they do not give you the right to shame or exclude anyone
else for the choices they make in their own lives. You have chosen
to use your position of authority to encourage bigotry amongst
impressionable students and for that you should have the face the
consequences of that choice. Hopefully you will receive the
punishment you deserve for your actions in this situation. If you
get away with a slap on the wrist just know that eventually it will
come back around.
Yours in disgust,
Mathew It's not ok I stumbled upon the story of your hate several times today and felt compelled to write. I am constantly surprised at the level of ignorance and hate coming from adults who are put in the position of teaching/caring/guiding students through life. You, sir, take the cake. To not only condemn a minor child for something that is out of his control (yes, he was born gay) but to publicize it? To call for the dismissal of a teacher, the kind of teacher we need more of, and call for a criminal investigation?!? What was criminal in his actions? His acceptance and nonjudgment of a gay student? Being gay is not a crime. Whether you like it or not, there have always been gay human beings. Levels of homosexuality are around the same percentages for most all species of animals. F**king google it if you have to. Homosexuality exists whether you like it or not. Allowing for open, honest discussions and giving someone a platform to try to help others understand, is not promoting anything but tolerance. I would very highly suggest you try to educate yourself before you hop on your pedestal and spew forth more of your asinine nonsense. I do have to say, kudos to you for putting on the internet for all to see. You have outed yourself as an ignorant, hateful, homophobe for all the world to see. You're soon to find out there are a lot more people that aren't like you in this world than are. I hope you're prepared for public humiliation because it's coming. You deserve it. The child in this story didn't. The teacher in this story didn't. You do. You disgust me. You have no business being in the field of education. School
Dear Mr. Shaver,
Nice uproar against that gay kid. Its obvious you stay up at night
flagellating yourself because you cant live with how badly you are
craving c**k.No one goes that batshit unless they are trying to hide something from the people that have the unfortunate pleasure of sharing their live.
Crawl back to the middle age where you belong and get scurvy. As a member of your local school board, it behooves you to become educated on the current level of knowledge about homosexuality.
Anything less
makes you guilty of child abuse.
It has been
scientifically proved 9by those who do not follow
Creationist pseudo-science) that A: it is not a choice - ask
yourself, would a person choose this?
B - it is
natural - over 1000 species of animals, including our
closest primate relatives, have homosexual practices in
the wild.
- it is part of the gay person's biology. A
heterosexual Scandinavian couple, both biologist,
have spent over 25 years studying the effect of male
sexual pheromones on women. They accidentally
discovered that while heterosexual males cannot
smell this natural body excretion, homosexual men
can, and are effected the same way heterosexual
women are.
Since God does not make mistakes, maybe the preacher
who told you it was acceptable to hold a public
position while ignoring the US Constitution was
Year Book Issue Hello Van, The gay article in a school newspaper Honestly, mr. shaver, I do not know where to start.
Do I diagnose you as the casualty of the genetic randomness of
birth, or are you actually interested in being as fucking stupid
as you are on purpose?
You are so mindblowingly absurd and clearly a homophobic bigot
that I am unsure as to how you managed to be elected to public
office, let alone being given control over a school system.
I do not wish for your death because that would let you off the
hook too easily.
I instead prefer for the entirety of the rest of your life to
consist of you being ridiculed as the moron you are.
When you walk down the street, I want you to feel shame. Why?
Because you are incredibly stupid. I'm 19 years old and I can
look at you, a grown adult, and tell you that you are F**KING UP
without hesitation or a hint of irony.
Your ignorance astounds me. I bet you j**k off alone and then
feel guilty about it because someone told you that God existed
and you never decided to query that statement.
Is it possible you could be a bigger douche? Regarding your bigotry I just read this article and your small minded bigotry is disgusting. We have been living on this earth long enough to get over the fact that we are all different and don't have to agree on everything-which does not give us any right to ruin other peoples lives!
You can do nothing about that.
You have no right to belittle fellow human beings because
they're different.
There has been no crime committed, therefore no criminal
investigation is required.
The only person who has any sort of problem here is you and
your fellow bigoted hating groupies.
You might like to pay attention to this article.
Kind Regards.
C Henderson
Van Shaver, The Kids Are All Right With Out You Leave
Them Alone
Mr. Van Shaver,
I cannot see how you as an adult would lead a
campaign to bully a 17 year old gay high school
student, a fledgling journalism student and a
compassionate teacher who obviously is an excellent
teacher and role model. You sir should be ashamed of
yourself for what you are doing and the controversy
you are causing. You stirring one group to hate
against another, that does nothing to promote the
values of community and education. I do not see how
you are fit to be on the Loudon County Schools Board
of Education. Really though, I just wanted to write
this letter to let you know that a lot of us out
here in the United States as well as around the
world tend to think that you're a f**king asshole.
John Strodtman
San Antonio, TX
Dear Van
You are a sick fascist c**t. You cannot stop people from being who they are if they are not physically harming anyone. Two people of the same gender falling in love does not cause harm. If you disagree, you are delusional. Shut the f**k up and keep your nazi views to yourself. F**k you infinitely. Don't bother replying because I won't ever see it.
An oppressed queer person
God is fake you
mother f**ker Leave the gay high school student alone Grow up, you hate mongers. A proud young
man should be celebrated, not condemned and
harassed! Why don't you actually do
something positive for your community
instead of creating hate? You're mentally
and socially crippled. Thank you Mr. Shaver! For removing all doubt that you are an ignorant bigot who should be kept away from schools! useless bigot Yearbook Piece I read your ranting about the “It’s OK” piece in your local yearbook. Let me just say that homophobic bigots like you make me sick. To suggest that homosexuality is a choice or can somehow be taught demonstrates just how ignorant you are. There is absolutely nothing wrong with teaching young people tolerance and acceptance. People like you give Americans a bad name. I suggest you learn what Christianity is actually about because it’s fairly evident that you do not represent Christian views or values, but rather gross intolerance. Your recent post on your website,, about the page in the
local yearbook promoting the acceptance and
opinions of a local gay youth is despicable.
While I generally work very hard to not
judge people or make assumptions, I think I
have you pretty whitigured out, and I know
how you will respond to this criticism, so
save your time and dont. That withstanding,
I would like you to know my opinion. You are
closed minded, you lack the most important
humanizing characteristic in a person,
empathy. I find it incredulous that you
would find an article about a student
finally gaining peace of mind and acceptance
of who he is so offensive that you would
lash out against him. And not just him, but
his support system, the people that he knows
and cares about. You should be ashamed of yourself Mr. Shaver Really, Mr. Shaver? Mr.Shaver, wow
so many words... are they all as
stupid as it would appear from your
neanderthal world view... thank god
they keep trash like you in TN its ok to be gay
your opinions are that of a sub
human... Stop being such a moron and
get a clue. It is 2012 and you look
like a real fool... Shame on you I think it's cute that you posted a whole
9 emails in response to your hateful blog
post. I predict your inbox choking with more
soon. If you think it's okay to make gay students feel inferior and ignored because of their sexuality then you're obviously shit at your job.= Your hate-filled attack on a decent teacher is attracting attention nationwide I'm a proud native son of Tennessee; but
the fact that people like you The yearbook controversy
Dear Mr. Shaver,
I am sorry to hear that your community is embroiled in controversy over a Yearbook article that profiled a gay student. When you wrote that it was a twisted world that believes it is o.k. to be gay, you've given me an idea of your worldview. When you describe what happened as promoting homosexuality in the schools, you have given me your understanding of journalism as practiced in high school. My understanding is that you are a Christian; I am too. When I move to Knoxville for my studies over the next four years, I will be looking for an open and affirming church that does indeed, believe it is o.k. to be gay. Call me a non-Christian or a heretic, but my understanding of God and Christ is so much different than yours, but we are united in our belief that Jesus is the Son of God. I am not going to change your mind on this, I know, but I weep at how many of us Christians marginalize and express our intolerance. Zac Mitchell is just a symbol to you--a boy who is part of a "homosexual lifestyle." He is a child of God who has experienced bullying because for whatever reason he was wonderfully made by a loving God to be different in his sexuality. As a Christian, I would urge you to put yourself in his shoes--to be harassed and mistreated because of his identity. Where I hope (vainly, probably) that I can make some headway in your thinking is your understanding of journalism. I have 20 years of experience in that area, and I can tell you that there is no post harder to be in than journalism adviser. It is apparent that you can not imagine yourself in the position of James Yoakley, who you have advocated to be fired. Wow. So for you, the issue is that the yearbook promoted homosexuality... It did no such thing. It ran a profile about a student who was openly gay. There was not an editorial promoting or advocating homosexuality, it was not the focus of the Yearbook itself. Please consider this honestly... if there had been a profile about a female student who had decided to keep her baby instead of having an abortion, would you think the Yearbook was promoting sexual activity among teens? Honestly, Mr. Shaver, just because a Yearbook or a newspaper covers a controversial subject doesn't mean it promotes the beliefs of its subjects. And I bet that 20 years from now at the class reunion, one of the topics will be about how Zac Mitchell's fellow students reacted to his being gay...and what that was like. As a newspaper editor, I always said that I wrote a newspaper to cover what people are talking or thinking about. Mr. Shaver, I expect most the emails you are getting are either extolling your virtues or tanning your hide. I hope I am not one of those. Don't let the emails that praise you puff you up, and don't let the emails that criticize you blind you to what they are saying. My two cents--your heart could grow a size or two in compassion for Zac Mitchell and you need to give Mr. Yoakley a break and an apology. Pray about it. Really. Godspeed. Eric Gubelman Bigotry Mr Shaver is a moron and a bigot. Tell
him to please not learn anything about human
sexuality an d continue to talk about things
he knows little to nothing about. Good role
model for youth. SHAME ON YOU for being a bigot and for being a
despicable human being. Someday you will
learn what it is like to be hated when
you've done nothing wrong. It's ok to be gay It's the exactly the right thing to do to
encourage kids to talk about who they are, including
gay kids. You could be standing on the side of such
principles, but instead you have tripped over your
own issues. These kids have enough issues of their
own. They don't need to bear the brunt of yours. You are disgusting example for children.
For homosexuals to choose to be so is simply not
the way it works. Did you have to sit down and
decide you were a heterosexual? I thought not,
you simply noticed yourself being attracted to
others because that is the way sexuality is
always discovered. How can you not be a bigoted
anti homosexual, if you believe they will have
to suffer for being themselves? I am glad my
children are not in your inbred, backwoods hate
filled state and school district. Jesus weeps
for your hate and insensitivity.
you are hurting people. please stop It's ok to be gay This is exactly the right message to be telling
our kids. Bullying of kids needs to stop, and the
kind of crazy reaction some of you "adults" are
having is wrong wrong wrong. Your Comments
The comments on your blog are what is
despicable and you, sir, should resign from
the school board. You have no business
making decisions that affect young adults.
Young adults, by the way, that can think
and make decisions on their own without your
You have pushed your state into the Stone
Age. Oh wait, you probably don't believe in
the Stone Age. Sorry.
It's Not OK
Mr. Shaver:
You are a freak. There is no logical or sane
reason for your hatred of gay people, and
your opinion and stance.
You are the reason people hate religion.
Your an abomination.
Your stand on the "Gay" essay You are an idiot. God told me there's only one Criminal Van or Sarah (whatever male or female identity
you go by): bigot You are a gay-bashing bigot. Yearbook
Hey Van,
You know homophobia is a major sign of being
a repressed homosexual, right?
You want my c**k, I know it.
Just open up your mouth and lick it.
You know you want to.
Now we ALL know you want to.
You are a sick sick person
Because you feel that a gay student should not
be comfortable with being themselves and being
ashamed of it, you think the teacher that
affirms them should be fired.
You are a sick sick person, and I hope that
God can forgive you, but I will not. You
deserve to be ridiculed by the entire town
and known for the bully and abhorrent person
you are.
-Angry Reader
Great blog on gay student What a meaningless, baseless idiotic piece of drivel. Your insights into the complexities of being human are those of a mud turtle. Your writing level is that of a 5th grader. No wonder your great state enjoys the distinction of being the backwoods hickish lowlife capital of the US. What a despicable racist homophobic cretan you are. Ain't yo momma prideful that that boy of hern done growed up into fine man! Disgusting. you are probably getting a lot of hate mail, this is NOT that Dear Sarah,
You are in fact intolerant of gay people. No one
chooses to be gay, what kind of stupid decision
is that? Do you really think that gay people
want to be part of society that is openly hated
and discriminated against? I hope you weather
the storm, as i suspect some of my gay brothers
and sisters will be (rightfully) outraged at
your bigotry, remember that you started the
hate fest an remember that your bigotry is
contributing to the suffering of people all
around the world, Jesus would be disappointed in
you. I know I am.
Reverend R. D. Maloney
It is ok It is ok to be gay and I think the year book
posting was perfectly ok. Homophobia should be
tackled at all levels. I believe in free speech so
please have your outdated opinions but do not
manifest them in your position Please question the role of a 'Board of Education' Members of the Lenoir City Board of Education:
Your colleague, Van Shaver has brought your district national
attention with his ignorant and hateful blog entry,
"It's Not OK". As a Board of Education, I would presume the
safety of the children in your community would be
of utmost importance. I would hope all of you will do the right
thing and stand up for all children and parents and denounce
this type of behavior for what it is. America will be watching
you with the hopes that you do the right thing.
James Lynch
comments on your blog post
I am sickened by what I have just read. Absolutely sickened.
In a time when kids as young as 8 who know they are gay, are
committing suicide due to the constant bullying they
encounter, and the never ending string of hateful words from
adults., you should be ASHAMED of yourself for what you
NOBODY chooses to be gay!!! Did you choose to be straight??
Did you? Can you choose to be gay??
I recommend you educate yourself and learn something by
learning about the Trevor Project., an organization that
helps struggling gay kids who are tired of hearing crap like
this from adults.
Then, I want you to learn about Asher Brown....start here.
Shame on you and your backwards state...the laughable,
sickening witch hunt that is taking place there will not be
remembered well by history.
God forgive you. |