There's More

With the current discussion about the school board's upcoming Gatlinburg trip, that's not the board's only recent trip on the tax payer's dime.

Last month, most of the board went to Nashville for a day or two for an event known as "Day On The Hill." This is when local elected officials are invited to Nashville to roam the hallowed halls of the state capitol, rub elbows and hobnob with state officials. Mostly, it's is a campaign event for state officials and a photo opt for the locals. I'm sure much was accomplished. 

Back to the retreat. Seems at least one school board member opposed the costly retreat in Gatlinburg. Recently elected, self-proclaimed TEA party candidate, Jeremy Buckles, tried to stop the retreat, this according to his web site. He said;

"Recently, much has been discussed about the Loudon County Board of Education retreat. I have publicly and personally made statements that I did not favor going off-site for a retreat. I believe that we could have a special workshop session at the county office building or Loudon County Technology Center. This would restrict costs while being able to accomplish planning activities. I did stand up against it and gave the reasons above." Jeremy Buckles

One might suppose Mr. Buckles laid the law down to the rest of the board about the wasteful trip. Jumped right up there and let his conservative values come through. Unfortunately, didn't quite turnout that way. After allegedly chastising the rest of the board, Buckles decided to go on the trip too. Again from his web site;     

"However, I am only one member of a ten member board, and the majority of the Board told Director Vance that they would prefer to have a retreat (Out Of Town)....I continue to hold my belief that it could be done local and cheaper. However, the decision has been made, and I will be at the retreat to represent the 5th District. It would be reckless and a dereliction of my duty to 5th District residents, our students, and our schools for me not to attend." Jeremy Buckles

I guess this was kind of Buckles' reverse John Kerry moment. He was against it before he was for it. Isn't is amazing how quickly the campaign rhetoric and promises fade out and politics as usual kicks in?

Anyway, by popular demand, below is another dramatization of what else your tax dollars could be paying for at the upcoming Gatlinburg retreat.



Board members could be taking a break from an exciting game of Marco Polo
