Stupid Cancer

We've all been touched by the horrible disease of cancer. We've all lost friends and family who were struck by cancer.

Stupid cancer has now hit close to our family. My Sarah has been diagnosed with Type 2 Uterine cancer. The cancer cells were found in a routine, female doctor appointment. Surgery is scheduled for January 28th.  The doctor will not know the extent of the cancer until it’s been removed and he gets the pathology report back which usually takes a couple of weeks. 

If the cancer is contained in the uterus, the surgery will remove all the cancer and no further treatments will be needed. If the cancer has advanced beyond the uterus, she may have to have radiation and or chemo treatments. 

We're hoping and praying that the cancer has been contained and the surgery will take care of it. But whatever the outcome, we plan to hit it head on and fight it with all we've got.  

We would appreciate your prayers as we go into this new challenge.
