Spider Man?
No, Spider Newman
Just a quick warning. Many of you will have little
interest in this story but there are some who will. Super Heroes come in many forms and usually like to keep their identity secret. This may not be the case with our very own Super Hero, Russ Newman. Newman, who is the Loudon County Director Of Planning and Knox County resident, has long been the point of much controversy for many of the decision he has made pertaining to planning and zoning in Loudon County. One of the first stories I brought you on the web site was the story of how Newman, using his position as planner, had managed to get himself in a position to obtain some property that he felt he make a quick buck on. The story, "Russ Newman, Planner or Developer, You Decide", gives all the lurid details on how Newman manipulated the system to his benefit. Well seems things didn't hardly work out like Newman thought it would. Back in September of 2006 the asking price was $230,000.00. Now going on two years later the asking price has dropped to $185,500.00. Don't think the project has gone as expected. So, what about the title of this story? "Spider Man? No, Spider Newman" ? Recently, I had cause to be in down town Loudon and I noticed the property and house of Newman had one of those, take one flyers, in the front yard. just out of curiosity, I stopped to grab one to see who wound up buying the property from Newman. The flyer had pictures and details about the property and to bewilderment, the web site listed to see more about the property was, http://spidernewman.googlepages.com/home . Surely not. The property couldn't still be owned by director Newman. Sure enough. A quick check of the state property deeds records, shows the owner as still being our old buddy, Newman.