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July 1st of this year, the state legislature created the Office Of Open Records Council. The mission of the department is to address open records issues through out the state. On September 5th, the office will be holding public hearings to develop reasonable charges for copies of government documents requested by citizens and others. The public is encouraged to submit their views before the close of business on Wednesday, September 3rd. You can send your comment by email to:

I for one do not support any fees. After all the tax payers already paid for everything the local government would use to make a copy of a document. The paper, ink, copy machine and even the person making the copies. So why should a tax payer have to pay twice. Just my two cents. Below is the press release about the up coming public hearing. Be sure to send your comments.

Public Hearing Scheduled for September 5th to Seek Input on Developing
Schedule of Reasonable Charges for Copies of Public Records

NASHVILLE, Tenn. - The Office of Open Records Counsel (OORC) in conjunction with the Advisory Committee on Open Government (ACOG) is holding a public hearing September 5, 2008, to seek input regarding charges for duplication of public records. The hearing will begin at 9 a.m. CST in Room 16 of Legislative Plaza, 6th Avenue between Charlotte Avenue and Union Street in Nashville.

The purpose of the hearing is to give both Tennessee records custodians and citizens an opportunity to comment on factors to be considered by the OORC and the ACOG when developing the schedule of reasonable charges for copies of public records, as well as the policy related to charges for frequent and multiple requests. Live video streaming during the meeting will be available over the Tennessee General Assembly’s website at

Public Chapter 1179, Acts of 2008, requires the OORC to establish a schedule of reasonable charges which a records custodian may use as a guideline to charge a citizen requesting copies of public records pursuant to the Tennessee Public Records Act, T.C.A. Sections 10-7-501 et seq. Public Chapter 1179 further directs the OORC to establish a separate policy related to reasonable charges a records custodian may charge for frequent and multiple requests for public records.

Both oral and written comments, limited to the fees proposed in the Schedule and Policy Comment Form, may be submitted. The form is available for download at Anyone wanting to comment at the hearing must register in advance by either sending an email to or calling the OORC at (615) 401-7891 prior to noon CST on Thursday, September 4, 2008. Each participant commenting will be limited to three (3) minutes. Written comments for consideration at the hearing must be received by the OORC before the close of business on Wednesday, September 3, 2008, and may be submitted by email to or delivered to OORC at 505 Deaderick Street, James K. Polk Bldg., Suite 1700, Nashville, TN 37243.

Visitors to the Legislative Plaza are required to pass through a metal detector and must present photo identification. Individuals with disabilities who wish to participate in this meeting should contact the OORC to discuss any auxiliary aids or services needed to facilitate such participation as soon as possible to allow time to provide such aid or service.
For questions about the hearing or to find out more about the Office of Open Records Counsel, please visit or call (615) 401-7891 or 1-866-831-3750.
