Sales Tax Hike Will Be On Ballot, Or Will It?

According to first district commissioner, David Meers it will be. Meers who is also principal of Highland Park Elementary announced to the Loudon County BOE at their last meeting that a referendum on a three quarter cent sales tax hike will be on the February 5th ballot. The problem with commissioner Meers assurance that the tax hike will be on the ballot is that the commission has not voted to add it to the ballot, nor even discussed adding it to the ballot or at least not yet. Meers stated that the commission will need the help of the BOE and parents to be sure the tax hike pass in February. Meers said that the tax hike revenues would go to the schools.

Apparently commissioner Meers must have some information or conformation that at least five other commissioners are planning to vote for the tax hike referendum to be so certain that it will be on the ballot. Last month commission heard a report from a CTAS representative about some aspects of a sales tax hike. However, no official action has been taken by the commission to place the measure on the ballot.

With so much recent scrutiny on the Sunshine laws, surely there haven't been private discussions or deliberations pertaining the sales tax hike. Meers may very well have the inside track on how the other commissioners will vote, but it is unfortunate for the citizens that what always seems to be the answer to every problem is to raise taxes.