Re-Elect Bob Franke
Having been on the Commission since 2002, I feel that a lot has been accomplished by Committee's that I have chaired or been on. The Capital Projects Committee, while I was chairman, initiated and saw through completion the following projects; a new Senior Citizen's Facility that is often toured by other Counties wanting to duplicate our success; a new Health Department Building to support those less fortunate and in need of medical services in our County; moved the Loudon County Library from the County Office building to a larger facility to better serve our citizens in the Loudon area; reviewed and brought the County into compliance with the (ADA) American's with Disability Act in all County facilities; built a new Convenience Center in Greenback to better serve our citizen's in the Southeastern parts of Loudon County that want to recycle and better protect our roadsides and environment. In addition to those listed, I
testified before the State Legislature as to the importance of a new
Hospital in Loudon County, it was built in Lenoir City with new and
state of the art medical equipment to better serve our citizens. I greatly appreciate your past support and continue to humbly ask for your continued support. |