Quillen To Run

Lenoir City School Board member, Rosemary Quillen, will be seeking the republican nomination to be on the November ballot for 2nd district Loudon County commissioner.

Current incumbent 2nd district commissioner, Austin Shaver has announced, he will be vacating the seat in the future due to his job transfer to Nashville. While Shaver's departure date from commission is not yet known for certain, it will likely be sometime in the next few months causing his vacated seat to be on the November election ballot.

It will be up to each party, democrat and republican, to make nominations for their respective candidates to appear on the ballot. Independent candidates may also qualify to be on the ballot.

While Austin is sad to be leaving and giving up his seat, he said that it has been a pleasure to serve the residents of the second district, and he could whole heartedly support Ms. Quillen to fill the second district commission seat.   
