Quick Review

With General Sessions Court Clerk, Lisa Niles, law suit against the Loudon County tax payers coming Thursday and Friday, thought it might be a good time for a quick review of the facts.

Ms. Niles was elected to office in 2002. Immediately after being re-elected in 2006, she threatened to sue the tax payers. A settlement was reached by the commission by giving her more people.

Immediately after being re-elected in 2010, she threatened to sue the tax payers. A settlement was reached by the commission by giving her more people.

Immediately after being re-elected in 2014, she threatened to sue the tax payers. This time the commission said enough. So Ms. Niles sued the tax payers.

The trial is set to be heard by Chancellor Frank Williams this Thursday and Friday. (12/10-12/11)

Ms. Niles attorney and the attorney for the tax payers will present their positions to the Chancellor. The Chancellor can then rule how ever he feels the evidence leads. He can give Ms. Niles everything she's demanding, a portion of her demand or nothing at all. The Chancellor may make a ruling from the bench immediately after the hearing or he may render a written ruling at a later date.

Regardless the outcome, Ms. Niles foolishly, is going to cost the Loudon County tax payers a lot of money. Under the law, the tax payers have to pay the legal fees of both attorneys.

If Ms. Niles gets her full demand, the tax payers will likely see a sizeable property tax increase to pay her demands. If Ms. Niles gets just half of what she's demanding, while less, tax payers will still see a property tax increase.

It's beyond my comprehension how a local official could do such a thing to the very people she supposedly represents. What could be in a person's mind that would make her think that wasting tens of thousands of hard earned tax payers dollars could beneficial to her. If this isn't a slap in the face of every Loudon County citizen, I don't know what is.

We'll know shortly the outcome of Ms. Niles frivolous suit against the tax payers. Just remember, what ever happens, it's all on her. None of this was necessary.  
