Problems Solved

Recent Press Conference Held By President Barak Obama:

Reporter 1: Mr. President, what are you going to do about the fiscal cliff?

Obama: I feel that raising taxes on those who make more than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars should solve the problem.

Reporter 2: Mr. President, North Korea just launched an inter intercontinental ballistic missile capable of hitting the United States. What are your plans to deal with this issue?

Obama: I feel that raising taxes on those who make more than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars should solve the problem. That will show the Koreans we're serious about what they're doing.

Reporter 3: It is reported that Iran is closer than ever to developing a nuclear bomb. What steps is your administration taking to stop Iran's ability to acquire the bomb?

Obama: I feel that raising taxes on those who make more than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars should solve the problem. That would send a clear message to the Iranians that we will take all actions necessary to stop their bomb program.

Reporter 4: Illegal immigration has reached epidemic proportions. Are you ready to make any proposals to address the issue?

Obama: I feel that raising taxes on those who make more than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars should solve the problem. That would show the American and Mexican populations that we are serious about tackling illegal immigration.

Reporter 5: President Assaid of Syria is killing his own people in massive numbers. Has your state department decided on a strategy to to protect the people of Syria?

Obama: I feel that raising taxes on those who make more than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars should solve the problem. If we do that, the Syrian people will know we're behind them 100%.

I think you get the picture. Obama is obsessed with punishing success knowing full well that raising taxes on successful people will do nothing to solve the financial problems facing the country. In fact I believe his goal is to destroy America and he is well on his way to that goal.
