No Settlement For The Sheriff

No motion, no second. That was the response to the proposed settlement of Sheriff Tim Guider's lawsuit against the County at Monday's commission meeting. Finance director, Tracy Blair presented the sheriff's offer to settle the lawsuit that would include one new deputy and one new car. The offer was met with silence from commission finally prompting chairman Bledsoe to declare the proposal dead for lack of a motion. The sheriff stated he would consider his options.

In other action, the commission did settle the lawsuit brought against the county by Circuit Court Clerk, Lisa Niles. The settlement included one additional employee and hiring a consultant to evaluate her offices. The motion passed unanimously.

The commission also voted 6 to 4 not to rejoin the Loudon County Cable Television Authority. Voted to increase pay to foreign language interpreters to $50 per hour with a two hour minimum. These interpreters are used mostly for non English speaking Mexicans in the jail and judicial system. Voted to pay Deputy Property Assessor, Jane Smith, the minimum state salary for her 18 days as interim Property Assessor.