New City Hall One Tiny Step Closer

Lenoir City's march to a new City Hall/Safety Building took one more tiny step in that direction at Friday's meeting between the city council and the City Hall Study Committee. The CHSC affirmed that their recommendation is still to locate the new facility in down town on the site previously recommended by the committee.

Committee chairman, Police Chief Don White, told the council and mayor that he had talked with all property owners that would be effected by the move and none were opposed to selling their property to the city. However no discussions have taken place pertaining to the cost to obtain those properties. The city voted last month to purchas the first of seven properties needed for the mammoth project projected to cost 15-20 million dollars. White stated that the plan the committee is recommending should take care of the needs of the city for fifty years. Concerns have been raised about locating the new facility in the down town district.