Nero's Not Fiddling Now

Apparently, Nero (Mayor Brookshire, City Council and LCUB Officials) has thrown down the fiddle and gone to work to put out the fire, political speaking. Tuesday morning I began receiving calls bright and early that one of the covered fire plugs featured in Monday's  Nero Fiddled  article was receiving a much needed upgrade. Sure enough, the fire plug at Rose and Broadway was being replaced with a shinny new, bright red fire plug. The Neros should be commended on their swift action to replace the broken plug.

There seems to be some difference of opinion as to who is responsible for the hydrant repairs and upgrades. According to LCUB officials, the city is responsible for the repairs and the costs there of. However, at Monday's City Council meeting, city attorney Shannon Littleton, stated that LCUB was responsible. The only reason this is an important point is, who pays? If the city pays the costs, that's an expense for the tax payers. If LCUB pays, it's the rate payers pick up the tab. LCUB has a lot more rate payers, including west Knoxville, than Lenoir City has tax payers.

Two down and a hundred more to go.