More Numbers

While doing the story on the new census numbers for Loudon County, I thought it might be interesting to compare the last ten years of the Loudon County School system. The numbers below are from the Tennessee Department of Education from 2000 and 2010.

The numbers show some interesting facts. Note the small enrollment increase compared to the budget increase. It's also notable that while the county's population as a whole was up by nearly 9,500, the school population was only up by less than 300. You will also notice that the white student population has gone down slightly while the Hispanic population is 10 times higher.

The budget has increased, teacher pay has increased yet the average ACT scores have dropped. Does more money equal better education?


Item 2000 2010 Difference 
Budget $23,643,261.00 $39,324,582.00 $15,681,321.00
Enrollment 4707 4986 279
Teachers 258 341 83
Administrators 17 22 5
Student Demographics      
White 4595 4563 -32
Black 61 99 38
Hispanic 43 448 405
Asian 21 38 17
Native American 4 13 9
Limited English 41 219 178
Special Education 619 651 32
Free/Reduced Meals 1,675 2,785 1,110
ACT Score Average 18.7 18.1 -0.6
Per Pupil Expenditures $5,023.00 $7,887.00 $2,864.00
Average Teacher Salary $35,553.00 $42,254.00 $6,701.00
% Local Funding 32.50% 44.90% 12.40%
% State Funding 59.90% 45.50% -14.40%
% Federal Funding 7.60% 9.60% 2%

