Manager Search 3

At last week's Loudon City/LUB meeting, council members narrowed down the search for a new city manager to four candidates. Thomas McCormick, Tom Pessemier, Corey Rheinecker, and Timothy Ibisch will be the final four to be interviewed by council.

During the meeting, council had the opportunity to add additional candidates to the list. Councilman, Tim Dixon and Bear Webb motioned and seconded the addition of mayor Jeff Harris to the candidate list. At the vote, Dixon and Webb voted to add Harris, councilman Eric Newman and John Cardwell voted no. Motioned failed for lack of a majority vote. Harris was not in attendance at the meeting.

The meeting was not streamed or recorded.

The in-person interviews for McCormick, Pessemier, Rheinecker, and Ibisch are scheduled for February 12th.

Both Loudon City mayor, Jeff Harris, and Loudon County Economic Development Agency director, Jack Qualls, had applied for the job. Neither made the cut.
