Lost In The Fray

In all the fracas that went on at last week's Loudon County School Board Meeting, several important issues sort of fell in the cracks. On hand for the meeting was a large contingent of Greenback residents there to address their concerns about the conditions at Greenback school. Larry Sabo speaking for the group told the board it was time to take action to address the problems at the school. The board took no action.

The long awaited report from Amerisco was presented to the board. Amerisco is the company hired by the BOE to over see four million dollars in utility saving upgrades within the school system. The report showed very little of the promised savings through upgrades have actually materialized. All upgrades have not yet been completed.

The latest building plan was presented to the board by board member, June Klinstiver. The plan was voted down. One of the controversial proposals would have only remodeled Greenback High School rather than building a new facility. That proposal was met with verbal dissatisfaction by the Greenback residents in attendance at the meeting. Board chairman, Bobby Johnson Jr. reccomended that the board take the plan back to workshop for further study.