Liquor And Liars,
It's All About The Taxes
With the November election
getting closer, I'm sure our three liquor lovers,
Ed Bell, Dr. Barry Gordon and John Tuck are gearing up to spread more
lies and deception in hopes of getting their liquor stores in Lenoir
City and Loudon. Their going to tell us the same old tired story, it's
all about the taxes. Bell even made the statement in one of his news
interviews, "we're not promoting drinking." Right.
The tax myth is just misinformation. Loudon County and
Lenoir City already receive their share of the state alcoholic beverage
tax. This tax is collected by the state from liquor wholesalers and the
proceeds are then distributed to each county and city based on
population and land area. The addition of liquor stores in Lenoir City
or Loudon County will not increase our share of the state tax by one