Lenoir City police chief fires YouTube officer.
Another officer resigns as result of video investigation News Sentinel staff LENOIR CITY — One Lenoir City police officer resigned and another was fired after an internal investigation of a video an on-duty officer posted on YouTube. Part-time officer Kevin Walker resigned Tuesday, said Lenoir City Police Chief Don White. White fired part-time officer Marc Grossbard today, citing violation of several city policies. White first viewed Grossbard’s video, “Memoirs of a Lonely Policeman,” Monday morning on the Internet. He placed Grossbard on administrative leave without pay while he investigated the origin and contents of the film. The film was removed from YouTube, preventing White from viewing it again, he said. WATE Channel 6 reported that the video contained sexual captions in a scene of the on-duty Grossbard talking with a clerk in a gas station. White said the officer participated in immoral conduct or indecency while on city property while on duty or in a city vehicle, loitered or loafed during working hours, engaged in horseplay or disorderly conduct while on city property or city vehicles and participated in a conduct or activity that was incompatible with the functions and responsibilities of a city employee. White met with Lenoir City’s police supervisors Tuesday to discuss online activities of officers. “There are a lot of people who have MySpace and other Internet sites, and as police officers we must conduct ourselves on and off the job,” White said. “They (officers) have to be very careful and cautious even when they are doing things off duty.” Walker resigned Tuesday citing personal reasons, White said. More details as they develop online and in Thursday’s News Sentinel. |