Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

If you've driven anywhere in the county lately, it's obvious there are plenty of jobs to be had. Nearly every business has a Help Wanted sign posted on their property. This help shortage is not exclusive to Loudon County. Loudon County's unemployment is currently 4.2% or right at a thousand people. Why is there no help?

Currently, a qualified, unemployed person can draw $575.00 per week, $275.00 state and $300.00 federal, in unemployment compensation for 26 weeks. But for now, theses deadlines have been and keep being extended. That comes out to $29,900.00 annually. That equals $14.38 per hour based on a forty hour work week.

Currently in Loudon County, there are 774 jobs available according to, a free, job search website. If you expand the search out by 25 miles, there are 9,389 jobs available. I know most of the jobs listed don't start at a hundred grand but that's not how it works. You get a job and WORK your way up. Laying at the house and drawing unemployment shouldn't be a career.

On top of unemployment, there are currently 4,497 Loudon County residents who qualify for Electronic Benefits Transfer, EBT Cards, to receive their Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, SNAP, funds. Which by the way, are sales tax exempt. Last month, more than $662,000.00 was paid to Loudon County EBT recipients. 

So the greatest competition for businesses to find employees is the government. The government will pay folks more to set at home than many businesses can afford for starting pay.

To do my part to help the unemployed, below is the link to job search website.

Good Luck And Go Get A JOB!
