Has Brookshire Lost His Mind?
"the city needs to be involved in some way"
"Brookshire is adamant the city be in charge one way or another"
"Brookshire suggested, to partner with a developer to buy the land"

Mayor Brookshire's desire to control private development in the city seems to have no limits. Maybe the stress of the election was too much and he has popped his cork. In both a recent knoxnews.com and a News Herald article the mayor has made it clear he wants to be in charge no matter what it costs. Apparently Brookshire feels that he and the city fathers know more about how develop a piece of property than the private sector. Brookshire is proposing that the city spend potentally as much as $175,000.00 for two city lots that might have a combined value of thirty or forty thousand dollars.

Of course Brookshire plans to use tax payer money, not his own. This may be one of his most absurd ideas. Here's an plan. If the mayor feels this is such an important issue, maybe he would be willing to use his own money to finance his partnering with "a developer". Or if that neighborhood is so concerned about the use of the property, maybe they could pull together and buy the property. Why is it that government officials are so quick to throw away tax money but not their own? Why should the city be involved at all? Goodness knows they have enough rules and regulations to control the use of the property. Apparently, only one councilman, Buddy Hines, understands that governments aren't developers and voted against the mayor's foolish plan.