Greenback School On Fire Watch, Again

Greenback School has again been placed on mandated fire watch by the State Fire Marshals Office. This fire watch was triggered by a failed fire alarm system. It was discovered that the fire alarm system had been dysfunctional for several days.

Last year the board of education spent more than $56,000.00 on mandated fire watch while certain repairs and upgrades to the fire suppression system were installed.  

Under a fire watch mandate, firemen are required to be at the school any time any students are at the school. Two firemen were on site Monday with three required for Tuesday. The fire watch will end when the alarm system is repaired which is expected by Wednesday.

Classes were canceled the second day of this school year due to a gas leak.

Plans for a new school are currently on the drawing board but have been delayed with the board's failure to adopt a budget.
