Greenback Quarry 6

Looks like the Murphy, Ross gang are still trying to dig their heels in in Greenback even though the vast majority of city residents don't want them.

This new sign popped up on the Hutton property Friday. Even though they don't own the property, they're trying to get a mine wastewater discharge permit from the state. The fine print on the sign that is hard to read says,

To whom it may concern, the applicant applicant described above has submitted an application for a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, (NPDES) permit pursuant to The Tennessee Water Control Act of 1977. TCA 169-3-108.Persons wishing to find out more about the permit application may contact the division at the telephone number or address below. 

Greenback city residents or other concerned persons should contact TDEC to voice their concerns.

The bud guys say, the property has no zoning because there's no record of Greenback zoning the property when they annexed it. Our side would say, there's a lot of city documents missing and the property has been labeled M-1 for over twenty years. Regardless of the zoning class, a quarry operation must have a special exception from the county to operate. They have not received that special exception. 

The county and city will take any and all legal actions available against the "nobody wants you here" bunch if necessary.
