If something bad is happening to Loudon County, you can bet Loudon County Economic Development Agency, EDA, director, Jack Qualls, is somewhere involved in it.

Whether it's illegal annexations in Lenoir City, questionable annexations in Loudon, Chinese land investments in Hotchkiss Valley or massive tax breaks, PILOTS, for businesses or apartments, Qualls always has his finger somewhere in the pot. Qualls, of Knox County, came to the EDA back in 2016 and he's not been good for Loudon County. Mr. Qualls has made it clear he is under no obligation to speak to county commission even going so far as to refuse to answer commission questions in a recent meeting.

Currently, Loudon County pays 68.8%, Loudon City pays 15.3% and Lenoir City pays 13.9% with 1.9% coming from the Committee of 100 to fund the EDA. In dollar amounts that comes to;

Loudon County paying-$177,174.00
Loudon City paying-$39,345.00
Lenoir City paying-$35,744.00
Committee of 100-$4,886.00

Total contributions- $257,148.00

Why is the county paying nearly five times more than the two cities? Especially given that all the industries and businesses that the EDA has supposedly brought in have located in one or the other of the cities.

In last Monday's county commission meeting, commission voted to approve sending a letter of expectations to the EDA, see below. The letter basically lays out the county's position when there's a conflict between the cities and the county. We expect the EDA to default to the county's position since we are, by far, the largest funding body of the EDA, paying all of Qualls 100k+ salary as well as his assistant and as well as most of their operating expenses.

The idea of sending the letter of expectations, to the EDA, came from a joint meeting of the EDA study committee when it was suggested the county should communicate our position with the EDA.  

The EDA is an out dated, obsolete organization that should have been disbanded years ago. Unfortunately, quirks in state law require a joint EDA by the county and cities or potentially lose some state grants. But the state law does not mandate that the EDA have a $100,000.00+ per year director.  

Personally, I don't think the EDA is worth any tax dollars but somehow they keep getting a boat load.

Letter Of Expectations;

To Mr. Jack Qualls and all EDA Board members,

Where As, in 2000, Loudon County, Loudon City, Lenoir City, Philadelphia and Greenback adopted the Comprehensive Growth Plan, Public Chapter 1101, mandated by the state of Tennessee.

Where As, under the Comprehensive Growth Plan, each city identified the areas where expected growth of the cities would likely take place in the years to come. These areas are known as the Urban Growth Boundary, UGB, and would be the only areas the cities were allowed to annex. No annexations would be allowed outside the Urban Growth Boundaries without reconvening the coordinating committee required under Public Chapter 1101 or under very limited exceptions.

Where As, in the last few years, the Loudon County Economic Development Agency, EDA, led by their director Jack Qualls, has helped the cities of Lenoir City and Loudon with legal annexations within their UGB’s and in Lenoir City, at least two illegal annexations outside their UGB, without informing the county of any of the annexations, legal or illegal.  Most recently, the EDA, led by their director Jack Qualls, has been assisting the city of Loudon to find an avenue to accomplish the annexation of nearly four hundred acres of land in Hotchkiss Valley, outside the city of Loudon’s UGB, and against the wishes of Loudon County Commission who oppose any such annexation. The nearly four hundred acres has a majority ownership of Communist China citizens.

Now Therefore let it be resolved that; when a conflict of actions arises between the local governments of Loudon City, Lenoir City and Loudon County, the funding bodies of the EDA, that the position of Loudon County would always take precedence over all others, given that Loudon County is the majority funding stakeholder of the EDA paying 68.8% of all EDA funding.

And Finally Let It Be Known, That given the fact that Loudon County is by far the largest funding body for the EDA, it is the expectation of Loudon County that the EDA, led by their director Jack Qualls or any future directors, would always represent the county’s interests over all others in any conflicts between the funding bodies and inform County Commission quarterly of developments and activities of the Loudon County Economic Development Agency. The health, safety, and welfare of Loudon County residents demand it. 
