Day On The Hill
For as many years as my friend Jimmy Matlock has been
a state representative, myself and a couple of friends have been
planning to spend the day with Jimmy in Nashville to see him in action.
Along with Chuck Jenkins and Don Mabry, we decided this year we would
make the trip. Plans were made then I had my little medical episode that
threatened to derail the trip. Fortunately we still were able to make
the trip earlier this week. Chuck, Don and myself headed to Nashville Monday afternoon to hook up with Jimmy to attend a short session of the house of representatives Monday evening. Jimmy arranged for us to sit with him on the floor of the house and really be a part of the process. After the meeting we attended a dinner sponsored by some group on behalf of the legislators. After the free dinner we went to Joe's Crab Shack which is apparently popular with a lot of the republican reps. On Tuesday we took a tour of the capitol building and met a host of officials. All in all, we had a delightful trip and saw first hand the process of state government at work. But more importantly it was obvious that our representative, Jimmy Matlock, is serving us well at the state capitol. Everyone we met and spoke to whether democrat or republican had nothing but good to say about Jimmy. We couldn't ask for a better representative and hopefully he will be there a long time working for and on behalf of all of us.