I'm A Cyber-Bully

Apparently, I have a new title, I'm now a cyber-bully. At least that's what one person thinks.

At last week's commission meeting, we were debating the merits of the current level of funding for the Loudon County Economic Development Agency, EDA. Several local dignitaries were in attendance to plead for continued support for the outdated agency. One among them was Loudon County Highway Superintendent/Lenoir City Councilman, Eddie Simpson.

He briefly spoke in support of the EDA but most of his statement was to accuse "one commissioner" of being a cyber-bully.

“I feel like, I know this equal pay for the EDA has hit a big kick in the last year or so,” Simpson said. “We’ve always had one commissioner really pushing for that. You’re not going to like this but I think he is a cyber-bully. All he does is try to embarrass anyone else on this commission and anybody in the city or county that will listen to him to try to get his way. I hate to see that for our county.” News Herald 6/3/20

In fairness, Mr. Simpson didn't say my name but he looked my direction and I am the commissioner who has been pushing to set up the equal pay for EDA for many years, so it stands to reason he was referring to me. He didn't bother to give any specifics as to why he would accuse me of being a cyber-bully.

To be honest, I don't think Mr. Simpson even knows what cyber-bully means. According to the dictionary being a cyber-bully means: 

The use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature.

In my twenty plus years of publishing on vanshaver.com, I have never sent any messages to anyone to intimidate or threaten them. I have however, reported on and exposed a lot of public information on elected officials and activities of local government. But I don't think that qualifies me as cyber-bully. I think that qualifies me as a citizen reporter telling the truth.

Not sure what put the bug in Simpson's britches and caused him to make baseless accusations against me again. The most recent reporting I've made on anything pertaining to him was his request for a $5,000.00 raise in the next budget. Nothing bullying about that, just the fact of the matter.

I've given this challenge many times over the years. Sure, I can make mistakes and when I do, I'll correct them. But my challenge to Mr. Simpson or anyone else, prove me wrong. It's easy to stand up at a meeting and and make childish statements but it's a whole different matter to back it up with facts.

Prove me wrong, I'll wait.   
