Court Closed
For a year now, the debate has gone on and on about
who could better manage the Lenoir City court clerk's position. Forget
the fact that the city charted requires the clerk's job to be done by
the treasurer/recorder, forget the fact that the state attorney general
opined that the clerk's job was to be done by the treasurer/recorder,
forget the fact that the voters made it crystal clear who they want
running the office. Just remember that the majority of city council for
no particular reason and in violation of the law handed the control of
the court clerk's position over to the city judge. Wonder how that's
working out. According to some unhappy citizens, not too good. Apparently, last week the court clerk office just shut down or at least they weren't taking money. One of the clerks is out on maternity leave and the other one went on vacation. So that left no one there to collect the fines and fees that were brought to city hall. One might think the judge himself would have stepped in to at least keep the clerk's office open to collect money but unfortunately he was out of town too. So no money collected last week. I thought the reason the judge was in charge was to make sure fines and fees were collected. Guess not. |