County To Create IT Position

With a request for an additional $25,000.00 contribution from Jill Pierce, Loudon County Schools IT (Information Technology) director, the Loudon County budget committee has decided to hire someone to fill the position of IT maintenance for the all county departments. The county currently contributes $25,000.00 per year to Jill Pierce and the County Schools IT department. The supplement is for computer assistance for county departments from Ms. Pierce and her staff.

Citing concerns about where the money goes and increasing the county's contribution to $50,000.00, county mayor Arp suggested to the budget committee that it might be better for the county to hire their own IT person rather than having to depend on others. Arp suggested that with a full time IT person the county could now move forward with a comprehensive web site where far more county records and information could be made available to the public. The mayor suggested that the county should be able to fill the position for $50,000.00 per year.

Apparently, the budget committee is moving forward with the plan to hire the new employee before the new budget process is complete and is currently advertising in a local paper for individuals interested in the position.

Currently Ms. Pierce and her staff are also responsible for the programming of the voting machines for local elections. It is unclear how the elimination of the supplemental payment by the county to Ms. Pierce and her staff will effect this process.

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