Cotton Balls And Band-Aids
I recently opened a local church bulletin and noticed an announcement that caught my eye. According to the announcement, "the Loudon County school clinics have little funding for basic supplies needed to care for children on a daily bases." As a member of the Loudon County School Board, the body responsible for funding all aspects of the system, this really jumped out at me. Let me be very clear, I am so very thankful that we live in a community where our churches will instantly step to the plate to help those in need through out the county, state, nation and even the world. But let me assure everyone, the school board will see to it that the school clinics are adequately funded and supplied. According to administrators, each school clinic receives their funding through the principals office. At no time has anyone come to the board to ask for any additional funding or complained of the lack there of for the clinics. As far as I know, no one on the board was aware that the school clinics were having a problem with shortages. The Loudon County School Board just passed a budget of more than thirty-seven million dollars. Surely we can afford to provide cotton balls and band-aids for our school clinics. If not there's something seriously wrong.