Calfee Values

Received Kent Calfee's most recent flyer in the mail last week. Calfee is seeking re-election as 32nd district state representative. The flier goes through a list of  Calfee's values.

I don't doubt any of his claims and not suggesting anyone vote for him or against him. I just wanted to add one more value he forgot to mention. Mr. Calfee is an excellent flip flopper, when necessary.

Back in April 2018, when the Tellico Village POA was working their back roomdeal to get liquor stores in the village, Calfee stood on the floor of the house and railed against the idea calling it illegal. Two days later, Calfee stood on the floor of the house and praised the idea. Funny thing is, Calfee doesn't even represent the village.

Below is a story I did back then. Watch the videos. Explain how a man can flip flop that quickly.

Against The Law

Back in April, state legislators passed a law that had nearly everybody scratching their heads. The passed a law that would allow liquor stores in Tellico Village. As bazaar as that is, what's even stranger, is the legislation was proposed by a representative that has nothing to do with Tellico Village or Loudon County.

Representative Charles Sargent, who represents an area around Nashville was the sponsor of the bill. Both Loudon County representatives, Jimmy Matlock and Kent Calfee opposed the legislation, so that should kill it you would think? Hardly.

While Matlock opposed it all the way, apparently, Kent Calfee had a sudden change of heart. On April 23rd, when Sargent first brought his bill to the floor of the house, Calfee strongly opposed it claiming the bill was against the law. However, in less than 2 days, on April 25th Calfee had pulled a 180 and was all for the bill.

How is it possible that one day, an elected official can be opposed to something so strongly than in just a couple of days they can be so strongly for something they had just opposed? I guess somebody helped him get his mind right. Oh and by the way, Mr. Calfee doesn't represent Tellico Village either. Also, his explanation about the Tellico Village population being a factor is pure bologna. 

Just in case anyone thinks I might have the story wrong, below are links to the House Of Representatives legislative videos.  

                                         Calfee: This Is Against State Law                     Calfee: I'm Totally In Favor Of This                                   

Couple more related stories if you want to read them.

Village Liquor Stores

TV Liquor Update
