Brookshire Has A Tantrum

All that was missing was stomping his feet and holding his breath. Showing everyone yet again why he has appropriately earned the title, "Matt The Brat" Lenoir City Mayor Matt Brookshire took out his ire on Councilman and Vice Mayor Buddy Hines. Apparently Mr. Hines didn't get the memo that no one is suppose to question the mayor.

In what could only be considered a bizarre item on Monday's city council agenda, Brookshire presented a plan to put City Hall up for sale and to take proposals from interested buyers. According to Brookshire, there is a buyer interested in purchasing the building. Unfortunately, the city is at least five to ten years  away from building a new City hall. Councilman and Vice Mayor Buddy Hines made the mistake of asking a couple of questions like "if we sell the building where will we go?" "How much will it cost the city to relocate city hall?" That was all it took. Brookshire popped his cork.

Video 1      Video 2 This one is a little long and may take longer to down load but will be worth the wait.

There was an illegal meeting of city council last Tuesday where apparently there was a lot of discussion about Brookshire's intention to put city hall up for sale. The meeting had only one day's notice in the Daily Digest which is a violation of the public notice laws requiring adequate notice of public meetings. According to Brookshire, only four councilmen were at the meeting. Hines was out of town.

Brookshire did make a feeble attempt to apologize for his rude and childish actions but even that turned into more of a hate filled statement for any who would dare to challenge him.

Brookshire's actions at Monday's council meeting once again show so clearly what a spoiled, arrogant contemptible, smart-aleck  little man he really is. His tirade at  councilman Hines was entirely uncalled for. Mr. Hines asked simple, logical questions of the mayor expecting answers. All he got from Brookshire was a boat load of disrespect and contempt. Brookshire made it clear that voting "NO" on something he wants is unacceptable. As a far leftwing liberal, Brookshire labors under the illusion that he knows what's best for everyone else.

Brookshire, a seventh grade teacher, apparently feels he is due the same level of obedience from adults that he expects from twelve year olds.  Mr. Hines should be commended for his actions and Brookshire should be condemned for his. There can be no excuse for Brookshire's actions. Hopefully this isn't how he teaches seventh graders to act.