BOMA approves partnership with Loudon County, TDOT
The Farragut Board of Mayor and Aldermen approved plans to partner with Loudon County and TDOT for a beautification and safety improvement project at Dixie Lee Junction, the intersection of Highway 70 South and Highway 11 South, during a meeting on Thursday, March 28.“We’ve been talking to Loudon County for quite some time,” Town administrator David Smoak said.
“It's been on the Transportation Planning Organization's projects list for a number of years. It's finally starting to get off the ground. It’s a TDOT project because two state routes are coming together. In order to get a little additional funding for landscaping and things like that, we're just requesting this to TDOT as a partner consideration.”
Smoak noted that the project would entail additional landscaping, signage, gutters and basic road and sidewalk repair.
“This will be prettier than a typical road intersection,” Smoak said, saying it would be considered a gateway entrance to the town.
Mayor Ralph McGill pointed out that Dixie Lee Junction has been a problem intersection for the community, and this project should resolve current issues.
“We want to make sure it's done very nicely,” McGill said.
According to town Resolution R-2013-03, the project will improve “the safety and functionality of the intersection.”The project is further described in the resolution as a “context sensitive/'complete streets’ design that enhances both pedestrian and motorist experience, thus improving safety to the general public.”
Alderman Bob Markli motioned to approve the pursuit of this project, and Alderman Dot LaMarche seconded the motion. The action was approved unanimously.