BOE Creates New Position

At a special called meeting Thursday, the Loudon County Board Of Education voted to create a new central office administration position. According to Director Of Schools, Wayne Honeycutt, the new position was necessary due to the elimination of the board's long time practice of giving large sums of money to individual schools. Honeycutt maintains that now that all purchases will be coming through the central office as the law requires, central office will need a purchasing clerk. No salary was given for the new position.

Voting for the proposal were board members Larry Proaps, Bill Marcus, Gary Ubben, Leroy Tate, Bobby Johnson and Lisa Russell. Voting no were Steve Harrelson, Scott Newman and myself. Craig Simon was absent. Just two weeks ago, the same proposal was defeated at a special called meeting.

The board has not yet adopted a budget for the next school year nor has the much anticipated building program been nailed down. Major operating cuts and or layoffs may still be required in the up coming budget.
