Bill on teachers unions among those OK'd in 2011 session
LUCAS L. JOHNSON II Associated Press
Here is a look at some of the legislation that has either succeeded or failed during the first session of the 107th Tennessee General Assembly. WINNERS: n Collective bargaining: Replaces teachers' collective bargaining rights with a concept called collaborative conferencing (HB0130). n Lawsuit damages: Places caps on payouts from successful medical malpractice and other civil cases (HB2008). n Charter schools: Removes cap on charter schools in Tennessee and opens enrollment (SB1523). n Teacher tenure: Requires a teacher to be on the job five years instead of three to be eligible for tenure (SB1528). n Child custody: Requires judges to consider how to maximize a parent's involvement in a child's life when making custody decisions (SB0803). n Abortion resolution: Places proposed constitutional amendment to allow greater limits to be placed on abortions on 2014 ballot (SJR0127). n Corporate contributions: Allows corporations to make direct contributions to political candidates (SB1915). n Voter photo: Requires Tennessee voters to show photo identification before they can cast ballots (SB0016). n 'Don't Say Gay' bill: Limits instruction or materials at a Tennessee public elementary or middle school to natural human reproduction science (SB0049). n Anti-discrimination limits: Prohibits local governments from creating anti-discrimination laws that are stricter than the state's (HB0600). n Judges & guns: Allows Tennessee judges to carry guns in courtrooms (SB1775). n Strong beer: Allows strong-beer makers to sell their products at Tennessee breweries (HB0986). n Extended unemployment benefits: Reinstates benefits for 28,000 jobless people in Tennessee (HB2156).
LOSERS: n Guns on campus: Seeks to allow faculty and staff to carry guns on the campuses of public colleges (HB2016). n E-Verify benefits: Requires agencies to verify that applicants for public benefits are legally eligible (HB1379). n Arizona-style immigration bill: Allows law enforcement agents in Tennessee to question suspects about their immigration status (HB1380). n School vouchers: Creates a school voucher program for students in Tennessee's four largest counties to attend private or religious schools (SB0485). n Motorcycle helmets: Rescinds Tennessee's motorcycle helmet law. (SB1466). n Elected superintendents: Allows the popular election of school superintendents. (HB0902). n English driver's license: Requires Tennessee's driver's license test to be given only in English (SB0010). n Deer farming: Allows commercial deer farming in Tennessee (HB1112). n Wine in supermarkets: Allows Tennessee supermarkets to sell wine (SB0316). n President's birth certificate: Requires presidential candidates to prove they were born in the U.S. before being allowed on the Tennessee ballot (HB2065). Traffic camera bill approved |