Another TRDA Controversy
County Mayor, Doyle Arp, has well established that
his loyalty to
TRDA, Tellico
Reservoir Development Agency, always comes before
the interests of Loudon County residents no matter what anybody else
wants. At Monday's commission meeting, Arp recommended his appointments
to serve with him on the TRDA board. The TRDA board is comprised
of the county mayors of Blount, Loudon and Monroe counties. Each county
mayor then appoints two residents from his county to also serve on the
Before Arp made his recommendations, commissioner Don Miller, 7th district Tellico Village, requested that the appointees be from the seventh and third districts which include TRDA lands. Commissioner Bob Franke, 3rd district agreed with Miller. Both commissioners made it clear that they thought Arp's recommended appointments were fine people but still felt it would make more since to have representation on the TRDA board from the districts most affected by TRDA. At this point, Arp became very upset and chastised commissioner Miller for his suggestion. A vote was taken by the commission, however Arp's recommendations failed to gain a majority vote. The matter will be discussed at the next work shop. |