A B C or M N P
If you are one of the parents who have expressed
displeasure with the new grading system for K thru 4th grades, here's
your chance to let central office know. If you haven't yet, you will be receiving a survey from the school asking for your input about the new grading system that replaced the A B C's with M P N's. I and I'm sure other school board members have heard lots of complaints with the new system with every parent I've heard from preferring the A B C'c. Several months ago, a majority of the board supported leaving the new M P N grading system in place the rest of this school year but asked that it be reconsidered before the next year. Well, here's your chance. If you are opposed to the new system be sure to fill out the survey and send it in. Hopefully if there enough parents who would like to go back to the A B C's, administrator's will make the change. |