2 Days To Go

With one day left in early voting, we're on track to really break the record for early voting in a county primary election. Four years ago, the total early vote was 3359. We passed that up last week with the total early vote now at 5258.

With so many candidates in this race and so many contested races, it's not surprising that there is a lot of interest in this election. However, just because there has been a high early vote turnout doesn't necessarily mean the overall vote will be significantly higher. It could just be that more voters are taking advantage of the convenience of early voting.  So all us candidates need to keep campaigning.

Early voting continues through this Thursday with the polls staying open till 8:00 pm.

On election day, May 4th, polls will be open 8:00 am to 8:00 pm.

Click here for daily totals.
